Meeting of CEN working group in Plastitalia

CEN experts in polyethylene piping system have been hosted for two days of work in Brolo, Sicily. This has been the first meeting Face-to-Face after the era “covid”. The experts, from different European countries, have profitably worked on the revision of EN 12201 parts 1, 2, 3 and 5 and the elaborated documents will be circulated for the […]

Plast App: a new formidable App by Plastitalia SpA

Plastitalia releases the “Plast App” for Android ( and iOS ( The aim of this App is to provide technical support to the operators and engineers that have to quantify and or qualify the work to be done in the field. Let’s see in detail what the application is able to do. This App has been conceived for reading the barcodes […]

Environmental product declaration (EPD), a new publication by Plastialia S.p.A.

First Italian factory to publish an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) dedicated only to hdpe fittings, another achievement to be associated to “Plastitalia S.p.A.” It is clear to everyone that the human being has, with his social activities, a tremendous impact on the environment of this unique and collective house that we call Earth. To ensure the well-being of all […]

Manifolds installed in Parco del Foro Italico — Rome

It is considered to be the main swimming facility in Italy: The Foro Italico swimming complex, located between Monte Mario and the Tiber River, in Rome, in a few days will host the LEN — European Aquatics Championships 2022 ! The maintenance works carried out in view of the next event also saw the active […]

FM mark on steel flanges

Another tile has been added to Plastitalia S.p.A. proposal in the field of firefighting application. Under request are now available steel flanges marked FM. This is an important improvement that complete the range of hdpe fittings and joint systems in such critical water systems. At this moment flanged joints completely made up with Plastitalia products (flange adaptors and steel flanges) […]

Plastitalia’s green heart

Plastitalia is a leading company in the field of plastic manufacturing and this fact implies that the factory is completed with a never ending list of equipment and among them we can see molding and turning machines, robots, fork lifts, laboratory equipment, warmed-up pools for testing, etc. etc.. At the end of the day, we […]

Published the new version of UNI EN 13067

This document specifies the method of testing the knowledge and skill of a welder who is required to carry out welds on thermoplastics in new constructions and repair work. The skill examination of a welder is an essential condition for the assurance of the quality of the welding work. The application of this document guarantees […]

Joining procedure using flanges

The mechanical joining procedure using flanges implies the evaluation of many variables that must be considered in order to obtain areliable joint over time. Forthis reason, this procedure is considered a «special process» from a technical point of view. The designer responsible for carrying out the work must be able to understand and evaluate the forces that oppose the […]

How an electro-fusion saddle type fitting works

An electro-fusion saddle incorporates a coil through which the electric current is made to pass for the purpose of generating heat up to the point in which the polyethylene, which is near the coil, melts (about 230 °C). The heat generated by the coil is transmitted to the surface of the pipe, which also melts. The materials […]

New product: dn1600 SDR26 Pn6 Coupler

We are very excited to introduce you our new entry: the dn1600 SDR26 Pn6 Coupler. The coupler is manufactured by a Negri Bossi VH3500 injection moulding machine with a 35000 kN clamping force; the new product is molded by the injection moulding method, that guarantees safety, reliability and high performances. Some feautures of the dn1600 SDR26 Pn6 Coupler — Molded with PE100-RC (RC […]

Advantages of using polyethylene

Polyethylene is a material that offers a valid economical and technical solution in a broad range of applications for the transport of pressurised and non-pressurised fluids. A polyethylene pipe, in order to transport drinking water, can be installed underground or above-ground and in both cases its installation is much more affordable with respect to traditional materials (steel […]

How to make a correct electrofusion welding

One of the essential welding procedures is the electrofusion welding. The welding principle is the same in all the cases; the surfaces that need to be welded are heated to a certain temperature, such as to place the polyethylene in its molten state, after which the surfaces are pressed against each other with a certain force to allow soak […]

IPlast welding machine: Small, reliable and safe

Thanks to a long experience in manufacturing electrofusion fittings, Plastitalia SpA has been able to design a control unit that can meet the needs of the market. Plastitalia allows you to choose between 3 products, all with the same quality and technology levels, different only in weight and performances. The range of Plastitalia IPlast includes: 1) IPlast30: Able to […]

Plastitalia SpA FM Approved fittings

Fire protection systems for industrial plants usually require that all components have Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) approval. Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) is a testing laboratory that is recognized in the USA and internationally. The components of fire protection systems are tested to make sure that the products meet performance, safety, and quality standards. Products with the […]

Quality testing activity in Plastitalia

As part of the Plastitalia’s quality commitment the testing laboratory unroll one of the most important activity that run every day, no matter if the sun sunshine in the sky or if the snow falls. People working in Plastitalia laboratory knows very well the importance of the task they have to accomplish. And they do very well. […]

New Directive for drinking water December 2020

The European Parliament has approved in the plenary session hold the 15 December the revision text of Drinking Water Directive. This new version will be effective 20 day after its publication on the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)and Member States will turn it in their internal regulation within 2 years. For the first time, […]

High performing electrofusion couplers

Here again Plastitalia S.p.A. is on the top of the world with his PN25 line of electrofusion couplers. During last months a testing campaign has been launched and with the help of the Plastitalia’s internal laboratory, ISO 17025 accredited for the hydrostatic resistance test, the PN25 couplers family has been tested as PN32. Not tested up […]

Meetings in Poland

These meetings took place during the first week of February and saw a wide and interested participation. During these events, many technical questions related both to the electro-fusion process and the gas system design have arisen, and all these ones have found satisfactory answers. Particularly important was the seminar held in Krakow, during which certain […]

20 years of Sicily

An article that traces the history of our company and our president, as well as founder, Nino Lenzo; the results obtained and the most significant events. We are proud to have been selected for this special edition, which through texts and images, shows the first two decades of the years 2000 in Sicily. «A way […]

New price list 2020

Tante le novità: implementata la gamma dei prodotti con l’inserimento di nuovi diametri; introdotti nuovi articoli, come ad esempio puddle flange o integral flange; inseriti nuovi attrezzi: raschiatore meccanico, allineatore a rulli e riarrotondatore per grandi diametri.

The Big 5

This exhibition is considered the reference event for the construction industry in the Middle East, South-East Asia and some East-Africa countries. Plastitalia is waiting for you at the Plastitalia awaits you at the DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE, Hall 2 stand B61.

National preview of the movie «Leo and the sea»

The event will take place on Sunday 22 September, in San Marco d’Alunzio (Me), at 8:30 pm. After the film showing, the audience will be able to meet the director Francesco Lama and the actress Maria Grazia Cucinotta for a conversation.


The event will include workshops and conferences that will bring together the main national and international experts, authorities and business leaders, who will discuss the various issues concerning the mining industry, the Peru’s most important sector. Plastitalia is waiting for you at the Cerro Juli Convention Center, Hall D stand 962.

WRAS: new certification

With this certificate Plastitalia aim to be one of the first company, in Europe, to achieve this exclusive goal.

New system certification

This standard sets rules for organizations involved in the welding of plastics pipeline and/or components (e.g.: fabricated bends, etc.). The observation of the UNI 11024 requirements is a guarantee for the market that the organization has a documented system management for the whole welding processes. For a company like Plastitalia this process starts with the […]

Yearly meeting of the commercial department

Especially positive data have been shown related to the trend of sales and payments. The first let to register a good improvement while a favorable reduction of times for the second is saw. Some time has been spent into the analysis of the Italian market where the sales were growth much more than the budget […]

Mechanical Tools

For this reason, Plastitalia has developed mechanical tools to simplify installation and ensure a better performance of the joint obtained.

Pipeline Design: The Case of Polyethylene

Various topics were addressed, including the development and application of the European and Italian regulatory frameworks as well as the role of universities in research applicable to engineering solutions and materials.


For people involved in technical issues, related to Polyethylene (PE) pipelines, there is a clear distinction between Design Basis and Expected Lifetime. As recent studies are demonstrating (e.g.: Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL) GmbH — Leoben, Austria; Japan Polyethylene Piping System & Integrated Technology Association for Water Supply — POLITEC) the standard ISO 9080 is […]


All the Plastitalia S.p.A. fittings are manufactured with high quality polyethylene according to the international standards. Both the branch saddles and the tapping valves are made up of only one piece,without any weld, ensuring greater security!


The team thriumphed at Le Mans, France, for the second round of the CIK-FIA European Championship in the KZ2 class and the third round of the OKJ class. Bu that’s not all: the team obtained an important victory at Adria, for the first round of the Italian Championship!


In order to ensure this security the European Commission produces documents that (in order of importance) go by the name of Regulation, Directive and Delegated Act. Product Safety is a must is not an option and this means, from the perspective of any producer, a deep change in mentality. In the new rules proposed by the Commission and […]


The workshop «Weldings of the polyethylene pipes — Regulatory and Pratical aspects» will take place on 7 June from 14:00 pm to 18:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to illustrate both the theoretical and practical aspects of the most common welding procedures for polyethylene pipes and it could help the technicians who have […]


In addition to the issues of district heating, water treatement and no-dig you will have the opportunity to attend the presentations of important accomplishments implemented by the operators. The strong presence of innovative technologies and products makes this event a useful moment for all technicians who are intersted in knowing the direction in which the […]


It was attended by more than 50 technicians among professors, assistants, students, members of water and gas distribution companies and private companies interested in the welding of polyethylene pipes. Great success for the new Plastfast system that has stimulated the interest of all present. The demonstration of the Fourier’s law applied to the electrofusion fittings has clarified how […]


This accreditation certifies the technical competence of the Plastitalia S.p.A. Laboratory according to ISO 17025. A plus that characterizes the wide range of services offered by Plastitalia S.p.A.!


Standard cooling times have currently been established at an ambient temperature of 23°; Plastfast has certified the new cooling times in a temperature range from -10° to 40°. The Plastfast system, patent pending, consists of:  IPlast 105, IPlast 60 or IPlast 30 control units provided of a new software and electrofusion fittings Plastf branded. Plastfast electrofusion system is an important technical improvement in the tenders context where, for […]


During this important event, organized by the Plastic Pipe Conference Association,are presented and discussed items relating to the plastic pipes industry. It also includes a special workshop, in which the attendes can share their ideas and innovations, and a technical exhibition where new developments in product design and testing procedures are showed.


The project designed to support the development of the corporate welfare, is directed to all the employees with the aim to promote and favor the pleasure of reading and at the same time to incentivize the cohesion among the various company departments. The objective of Plastitalia S.p.A., like a lot of other companies, is that to […]


Thanks to the immediate supply of the polyethylene fittings, it was possible to reactivate the water system, damaged by fires during the last days; especially the flexible pipes, that allow water to flow into the “City of the Strait” from the Fiumefreddo waterworks, were compromised.

I Geo Plast Web site

I Geo Plast, completely developed by the Plastitalia S.p.A. Technological Department, represents a valid answer to the D.L. 27/01/2010 n° 32, that  makes obligatory the respect of the contents  of the Inspire Directive 2007/2 / CE that gives requirement for data management and their exchange in maps form. The locationing system for gas and water […]


The new machine will allow to mold  polyethylene fittings with a bigger diameter respect to that existing, with  a smart design and innovative techniques. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE FITTINGS The President Antonino Lenzo explains: “ The technological innovation is for us a key aspect to pursue over time like a continuous improvement  strategy for the company. The acquisition […]


The welding was carried out by the IPlast 105 Control Unit, ensuring optimum welding and conditions of total protection.


With the Polytest system, this is the name of the new system for non-destructive testing of electrofusion and butt fusion joints in polyethylene pipes, the integrity of the pipes that is going to be used in service can be tested. So every joint could be tested without resorting to non-destructive tests, increasing confidence in the […]


is able to offer customer thanks to flexibility of its design and manufacturing processes. The Company realizes personalized articles to meet every specific demand with any diameter, ray of bending and profile. Download Catalogue


were used to the building of the cooling system of the new Volkswagen plant in Września (Poland). The building site covers an area of 220 hectares, which is equivalent to a size of over 300 football fields. The new plant in Września will be the second production location of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles in Poland; A modern […]


The Otradinsky Sugar Plant CJSC is one of the largest sugar plant in Russia; the plant belongs to the Razgulyai Group, one of the leading agricultural holdings in Russia, that unites three business segments: Crop Growing (cereals, sugar beet, paddy rice, soy bean); Sugar Production; Grain Production and it has more than 340,000 ha of arable land.


production and revision of machines for welding and processing thermoplastic materials are certified according to the UNI EN ISO 9001 ( Certified Bureau Veritas n . IT261406 ) .

Plast 2015

In this regard, the engineers of the Technical Department and R & D have recently taken part in the PLAST2015, the largest exhibition of international importance of this year for the plastics and rubber industries, that was held last May. PLAST2015, whose exhibition area was around 55,000 sqm, have recorded a flow of more than […]

I Plast Experience

Today the people working at IPE, provided with a very high degrees of technical experience, developed in the factory as well in the field, it’s able to perform training on electrofusion and butt welding procedures and help the students to face the qualification exams. IPE can perform trainings as requested by ISO/TR 19480 — Polyethylene […]


These devices are being confirmed as a point of reference in the electrofusion market  thanks to their technical performances, below any of them: In conformity with standard ISO 12176-2 , certifiable USING TEST REPORT ISSUED BY AN INDEPENDENT LABORATORY. Control of the entire fusion cycle by digital signals which verify the adequacy of the electrical […]


I Geo Plast 105 is the new DGPS system that connects via radio the control unit (welder) I Plast 105 and transmits the tracking directly to his memory. For each weld is associated with the position taken by the system, longitude, latitude and altitude with a sub-meter accuracy, it is a great way to make […]


It was published a few months, by UNI, the new UNI / TS11508 whose purpose is to provide a scheme for the enumeration of the variables of the welding techniques, carried out by means of the procedure electrofusion and by means of butt fusion procedure. These variables are those that affect the quality of the […]

Electra mining exhibition: good results for Plastitalia

Positive results for Plastitalia S.p.A, which in these days is taking part in the event Electramining exhibition in Johannesburg. Good numbers of visitors in the first 4 days of the exhibition and attention catalyzed towards the Plastitalia’s items: polyethylene spigot fittings and electrofusion, used also in the interesting mining sector. The event is an opportunity […]

Plastitalia in the Moscow city pipe exhibition

Thanks to this collaboration it has been possible developing an important project regarding the use of Plastitalia S.p.A. fittings to completion of the Moscow Raceway, the race track and motorcycle located near Syčëvo, about 80 kilometers west of Moscow. The circuit has a total of 18 different configurations, ranging from a maximum of 4,070 meters […]

«FM Approvals» certifications

“FM Global” is the communicative brand of the company, whereas the legal name is «Factory Mutual Insurance Company». FM mark is synonymous of rigorous validation process and product’s type tests (some performed up to 60 bar) and independence of judgment. Protect your properties with Plastitalia’s products against fire damages is now easiest than before.


It is our pleasure to introduce the latest welding unit in the I Plast series – the new I Plast 60 – a small technological miracle, the result of experience and extensive electronic research by Plastitalia. The I Plast 60, produced entirely by Plastitalia’s electronics lab, represents advancement in welding machine technology. Capable of welding […]