These devices are being confirmed as a point of reference in the electrofusion market  thanks to their technical performances, below any of them:

  • In conformity with standard ISO 12176-2 , certifiable USING TEST REPORT ISSUED BY AN INDEPENDENT LABORATORY.
  • Control of the entire fusion cycle by digital signals which verify the adequacy of the electrical parameters of the welding 4 times per second.
  • Great storage capacity, up to 7500 cycles of fusion
  • All the power declared is  available for a period of work that goes beyond the standard values
  • Adaptability to the voltage and frequency input to the top of the range (ability to work with motor generators)
  • Scanners and pen for reading the bar code
  • Ability to update simple and safe (practicable by anyone with an internet connection)
  • Reduced weight and size to a minimum for an easy handling on site

All designed and built according to European Directives for this product type, and the commitment of Plastitalia may occur in the certificate of CE marking. IPlast series 105,60 and 30 means safety of the welding and of the  operators worksite.

For more information download our brochure on line or ask to our sales offices.