Pipe Stress Calculator for Pressure Effect
Pipe Stress Calculator for Pressure Effect
The Pipe Wall Stress Calculator allows the verification of the three axial stresses acting in the pipe wall when subjected to internal pressure. Simply select the pipe diameter, SDR value and pressure.
Note: The hoop stress (σtmax) is the critical one and particularly the maximum stress happens to the internal diameter’s correspondence. In case of PE100 or PE100-RC σtmax should never be greater than 8,0 N/mm2, for PE80 materials the maximum stress allowed is 6,4 N/mm2.
The representation of the results of the calculation tools proposed herein has the exclusive purpose of providing general information. Plastitalia S.p.A. does not provide any guarantee, either express or implied, concerning the results provided by the aforementioned calculation tools. No responsibility and obligation for any consequence connected with the use of the calculation tools may be ascribed to Plastitalia S.p.A. As of now, Plastitalia S.p.A. declines any responsibility regarding the correctness of the results presented and for the actions taken on the basis thereof.
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The calculations performed by our tools are based on research conducted by Plastitalia, such research is available upon request.