FM mark on steel flanges

Another tile has been added to Plastitalia S.p.A. proposal in the field of firefighting application. Under request are now available steel flanges marked FM. This is an important improvement that complete the range of hdpe fittings and joint systems in such critical water systems. At this moment flanged joints completely made up with Plastitalia products (flange adaptors and steel flanges) can comply to:

1) UNI EN 12201 (see third part certificates)
2) UNI EN ISO 15494 (see third part certificates)
3) ISO 9624 (mating dimension for flanges and flange adaptors – see third part certificate)
4) FM approval 1613 (see FM certificate)

All of these points contributes to the firefighting safety and reliability and allows to the contractors to comply with the majority of regulation.

Flange FM