Our commitment to sustainability
Since its origins, Plastitalia has taken care of the future of the planet. Our path to sustainability keeps different environmental parameters under control. A company that respects the environment invests its time and resources to improve its productivity through sustainable development.
الالتزام البيئي
تحمل شركة بلاست إيطاليا في قلبها مستقبل هذا الكوكب. ولهذا السبب والذي وضعته فى بؤرة إهتمامها منذ تأسيس نشاطها بأكمله، فقد توجهت الشركة نحو سياسات صحية في إدارة البيئة: حيث تنتهج الشركة مساراً أخلاقياً يضع في قمة أولوياتها التزاماتها نحو هذا الكوكب. ولهذا السبب تضع بلاست إيطاليا عدداً من المعايير البيئية المهمة تحت مراقبة صارمة:
- استهلاك موارد الطاقة من المصادر المتجددة وغير المتجددة;
- استهلاك المواد الخام الطبيعية مثل المياه;
الحد من التلوث والتأثير البيئي في كل نشاط من أنشطتها وما يمثله ذلك في التحسين المستمر في العمليات الإنتاجية والمنتجات والخدمات. وتلتزم شركة بلاست إيطاليا يومياً بضمان أقصى احترام ممكن للبيئة التي تعمل بها، إلى جانب تحمل مسئولية ثابتة ومستمرة إشكاليات الحماية البيئية وينسجم كل ذلك مع الأهداف الإستراتيجية للشركة.
تحميل البيان البيئي
تحميل شهادة لدينا EMAS
تحميل الشهادة ISO 14001
ESG practices
We are committed to contribute to generate a positive change by daily applying the ESG principles
• Awareness-raising activities and internal and external communication of the sustainable aspects
• Regular monitoring of activities in line with national parameters and application of any corrective actions
• Consumption of energy from renewable sources and not for energy efficiency
• Waste management (dangerous and not)
• Recycling of waste and scrap
• Product optimization to reduce scrap
• Water saving and zero discharge of industrial waste
• Reduced use of chemicals in the envinroment
•Enhancement of our territory in the world
• Social responsibility with support works to associations and local authorities
• Corporate welfare for the well-being of employees
• Sensitivity to the role of women in the company
•Good practices and ethical principles
• Transparency of decisions and business choices, respecting all those who collaborate with us
SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)
Fittings and systems that look to a future of sustainability offering a durability that goes beyond expectations. Designed and manufactured with an eye to eco-design, in a factory that operates in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of the targets of the UN 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs)
N. | Goal | Description | |
3 | Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages | - Goal 3.9: our products, correctly installed, prevent pollution and contamination of water and soil | |
5 | Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls |
- Goal 5.5: it is ensured the full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in the economic life of the Company
- Goal 5b: State-of-the-art technology is used to help women work
6 | Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all |
- Goal 6.1: our products allow the economically sustainable construction of drinking water distribution systems
- Goal 6.4: the flow coefficient of the raw material, among the lowest ever, allows our products to obtain a great efficiency of the water systems with a consequent reduction of economic costs and CO2 emission into the environment
- Goal 6b: we participate, with our projects and products, in the efforts of local communities to improve water and sewage management
8 | Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all |
- Goal 8.5: full and productive employment is guaranteed for decent work for women, men, young people, people with disabilities and equal pay
- Goal 8.8: the protection of labor rights is guaranteed by means of a safe and secure environment for all workers (ISO 45001 certification)
9 | Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation | - Goal 9.4: the modernization of plants is constant, to make them sustainable through greater efficiency in the use of resources and clean technologies are adopted in industrial processes |
For further information visit: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment