It was published a few months, by UNI, the new UNI / TS11508 whose purpose is to provide a scheme for the enumeration of the variables of the welding techniques, carried out by means of the procedure electrofusion and by means of butt fusion procedure.

These variables are those that affect the quality of the welded joint and the WPS (English: Welding Procedure Specification – Specification for Welding Procedure) relates to the manufacturing activities. The UNI / TS11508 helps, in particular, the technical managers of the company distributes gas to fulfill the provisions in the UNI EN 12007-2.

The results of the design of the weld, writing the WPS, can be validated by a recognized third party, following the positive results of laboratory tests carried out by a third party, on the specimens of the weld, release the WPQR (ratio of qualification of the process of welding). The WPQR is a valid witness to the success of the design of the welding and guarantees, to the purchaser of the work welded, that the joint is able to perform appropriately their work.

Recall that the welding process is a special and that the method is shared by all actors in the supply chain of quality, to control a special process is to describe in its characteristic points, hence the term “specification”, so that the operator assigned to the welding can repeat, within certain physical limitations, the procedure in a constant manner. PLASTITALIA is able to support its clients in the preparation of WPS, according to UNI / TS11508 and can intervene with a competent certification body to promote the issuing of relative WPQR.